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Wiki Fiction Roleplay Character Page

Information on Character Creation and Applying to the Guild



WFR Application Page

Want to be a member of the guild? Already a member, but want a second (third, fourth) character? Apply here!

WFR Guild Members

This is the list of accepted players and their characters. You don't post here. The mods do. But it's a great page to read over to find some of the best players in Elftown.

For tips on character creation, see Role playing for Dummies.

WFR Char RACE Page - A page listing different races your characters can be.

WFR Char RANK Page - A page listing different ranks and classes your character can have.

Alignment - A page describing different alignments, which basicaly is a basic outline of your character's moral code.

Size - A page describing the effects of how big or small your character is.

If you're looking to make an actual game a part of the guild, you're in the wrong spot. WFR Games and WFR Quests has the info you need. :)


Ladies and Gentlemen, WFR is getting huge! Thank you all for your character submissions!


Once you're accepted, you get to post this nifty badge in your house.



Just copy-paste this code into your house description to display the badge!


Characters in Limbo

These are potential acceptees who need to make some changes before we can approve them. If you're on this list, please do something about it, even if that only means messaging one of the mods and letting them know that you're no longer interested!

Characters in Limbo are 'anarchic creatures', tattered, un-finished entities whose creator-gods and avatars abandoned them in the cosmic vast, left stranded and mis-guided; soulless voids, the carnal temples who shall forever be swept in the current of dying elements, to be cast some day into oblivion or into the Deeper Vast, the area of the cosmos where life make no sense, and where death is in the past.

The WFR Lost Characters, however, are not anarchic and are not lost in the sweeping ridge of the cosmos, past the heavens and hells... they're just flat out lost. Sent on adventures never travelled, looting hordes that just plain don't exist, these fools roam the universe, hidden from the eyes of any truth, since their players have abandoned... well, us. Players who do not show up to Elftown for months and years at a time are sent to this land of misfit characters.... Not to Limbo.

Malbosha Please add/edit info
Fuin [Oddjob] Please add more info
Selek [Punk_Rock_Mosher] Please add/edit info
Whupem [benjismokin] Missing Info
Neuuval Sleavunsu Missing ID info, cant contact creator because no user name.
Edorita [Savior of the Broken] Pending class change or MOD exception
Marius [F34R :82:-DE] Pending skills description and personality additions
Gelina [Bahn] Unknown species and unspecific skills.
Jade Sparrow [jade_sparrow13] I dont even know this characters name and needs more skills
Thayandegea Nioshia USER NAME USER


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2004-01-06 [xido]: Eriathwen and Matt are good......that gnome needsum finishin'

2004-01-06 [MathiasIV]: Er, no kidding, you say the gnome isn't finished! hmm... :P

2004-01-06 [Blood Raven]: well looking at your other char descriptions it's indeed a bit short...

2004-01-06 [MathiasIV]: I am assuming that Xido added the spaces between characters but In my humble opinion it makes this page toooo long.

2004-01-06 [Blood Raven]: every page is too long lately

2004-01-06 [MathiasIV]: not that message. I mean its actually kinda a pain to scroll down.

2004-01-06 [Blood Raven]: true too

2004-01-06 [xido]: use the home and end keys....easier. learn keystrok shortcuts...makes it faster.

2004-01-06 [Blood Raven]: okay, thank you. Again a showing of Xido's knowlede, this time a bit more practical. You'd almost think he gives up his real life to live here. Well so would I, but my parents prohibit me from doing so till I finished my education

2004-01-06 [MathiasIV]: What if I want to read the Char Application paragraph :P

2004-01-06 [Blood Raven]: ask Xido to post a summary in the comment box :)

2004-01-06 [MathiasIV]: ROFL carefull he just might...

2004-01-06 [xido]: I'm gonna kill you two. X.x

2004-01-06 [Leara]: O.O

2004-01-06 [xido]: LMAO!!!! don't worry, they're safe...............unless they keep talking mad crap on my page......*mumbles condamnations* X.o

2004-01-06 [Leara]: *blinks* You don't wanna know who I think is mad, well, crazy...

2004-01-06 [MathiasIV]: *jumps up and down excitedly* OOh OOh I do I do!! (and shouldn't that be Condemnations???)

2004-01-06 [xido]: oh hush, yes..........I don't watch where my fingers go anymore.....and I know how to spell. Leara, I don't think I have the choice of knowing your opinion.....

2004-01-06 [Leara]: what ever do you mean? ^_^

2004-01-06 [xido]: lmao! Yeah, right... :) I can just see that impish face on you right now.........damn fish :P

2004-01-06 [Leara]: ; _ ; fish?

2004-01-06 [xido]: oh, yes....pisces..two fish, tied together with a string at their tails......*bubbles*

2004-01-06 [Leara]: I know what pisces is...

2004-01-06 [MathiasIV]: LOL *bubbles* lololololol, alright fine, I'll admit it... Im not alright...

2004-01-07 [Blood Raven]: 0___o

2004-01-07 [Lunnie]: Yay tomorrow you will all see my wonderfulll char o.o; i think... and yes im new lmao Lexi forced me to come i say -cries- HE FORCED MEEEEE (actually he didnt but i like to pretend he did n.n)

2004-01-07 [Blood Raven]: i see... well... uhm... we'll see your char, tomoorow, then... i guess...

2004-01-07 [Lunnie]: wait now tomorrow is today x__X;;; or something... i think... um -looks around- yeah...

2004-01-07 [khirareq]: Thanks for the invite to add my char! Naturally My Rank Is Innkeep! Stop by the Stag and Hunter Inn for a couple of laughs over a flagon of ale or your next function!

2004-01-07 [Leara]: Thats not where your character goes, you weren't accepted, read the ENTIRE set of application rules before editting the page.

2004-01-08 [Cougar]: .< ummm well mine is sorta long could i just post the link to the page that it's on and direction?! *really doesn't what to type ALL that* >.<

2004-01-08 [Leara]: if its on a page, copy it, and paste it here

2004-01-08 [Cougar]: mk i think that is all..o.0

2004-01-08 [Leara]: can you put in it the format its supposed to be in, personality, appearance...etc

2004-01-08 [Cougar]: alrighty done. ^^

2004-01-08 [Nere]: trust me [Cougar] that isn't the longest char desc i've seen...

2004-01-08 [Lunnie]: -does a peace sign- yo :F -nods and agrees with Nere-

2004-01-08 [Blood Raven]: indeed... mine are longer

2004-01-08 [Cougar]: *laughs* yes i am sure it is sort. but i don't get a lot of time in making them they just sorta form themselves and that is only when i play them ^^ (wonders when she will know)

2004-01-08 [Cougar]: and i am still working out kinks on her *point's to klin* i just had to add ranger cuz i forgot that she is that too. ^0^

2004-01-08 [Leara]: heir to the throne where/

2004-01-09 [Cougar]: @_@ in my own little land...? *laughs* to the moon elf throne. in the homeland... (if that makes anysence)

2004-01-09 [Leara]: not character is half moon elf, so it would be nice to know to make sure it doesn't interfere with her history

2004-01-09 [Cougar]: *smiles and makes a face* well gah. i am sry but i made her a while back and played her else where... I donno what lands of the moon elves you have here...?

2004-01-09 [Leara]: none, but my character is just from somewhere with different elves, she worships the moons goddess o.O

2004-01-09 [Hutch]: boo

2004-01-09 [Cougar]: *laughs* well it won't interfear(sp?) with that i am sure. question tho. could i just make a name for a land in here for some of the moon elves?

2004-01-09 [Leara]: I don't know, I'm not in charge of that

2004-01-09 [Cougar]: mk ^^ could u tell me who is? or do u know?

2004-01-09 [Leara]: [xido]

2004-01-09 [Lunnie]: i swear it wasnt me who broke the command that make the text big xD

2004-01-09 [Cougar]: thank you. ^-^

2004-01-09 [MathiasIV]: Oi!! its been far too long since I posted on this page. So here it is :) Wow its gotten big in here and sorry I havent updated Bob up there... Snow knocked out my power for 2 days ^_^

2004-01-09 [Blood Raven]: me was in need of new char too

2004-01-09 [Cougar]: and how will you know if ur accepted?

2004-01-09 [Leara]: when I move your thing to the members section.

2004-01-09 [Cougar]: o.k. thanks! ^-^

2004-01-10 [Lunnie]: yey thanks for accepting me~~~~

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: RIGHT ON! DARKFIRE :)

2004-01-10 [Lunnie]: lolol lex n.n

2004-01-10 [Leara]: .> damn novel, I had to get rid of it somehow ^^;

2004-01-10 [Lunnie]: hahaha ;D ah well

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: Hey darkfire hehe how do th efingures feel after that one ? LOL

2004-01-10 [Lunnie]: o.o; they were quite fine... oddly the brain was intact too... lol

2004-01-10 [MathiasIV]: Poof my gnome be done.... Ok so I am not too good at gnomes and I apologize for combining the history and the skills... I couldn't make him fill out very well... I mean come on lol he is so small >_<

2004-01-10 [MathiasIV]: Nocturnal creature or whatever you name is... You should post below the other characters that way Leara knows who is new and who is not.

2004-01-10 [MathiasIV]: Erm, perhaps I am just a lazy unknowledged suburbanite... but isnt Fergus usually a mans name?

2004-01-10 [MathiasIV]: Hmm what creatinous bastard deleted all those spaces that made the page so much harder to navigate? *runs off before Xido comes back*

2004-01-10 [Blood Raven]: And I'm going to wait and sit here till he gets back to see what he will do to you *evil grin*

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: LOL I got the popcorn hehe <eg>

2004-01-10 [Blood Raven]: cool, I'll give you some of my chocolate if I can have some popcorn too

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: hehe sure Im always in the mood for some good chocolate hehe *pushes record on vcr* hehe I wanna remember this <eg>

2004-01-10 [Blood Raven]: it's going to be fun hehe... and it's free!

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: FREE!!? *heads towards door looking for guy who was seloling tickets* GRRR will have to get that one LOL

2004-01-10 [Zalastra]: *ducks around the corner and takes off mask* hey guys, anyone want a Mt. Dew?

2004-01-10 [Resiska]: gotta Cola

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: ok question for any who might be able to lead me to it someone has mention somethin about war of the roses or soemtin simular to this in deeling with moonelves? I would like to know the source if any can direct me to it

2004-01-10 [Leara]: Mathias!!!!!!!!!!! Stop messing with mah page! gerr...its easier to see with spaces between them!!! ARGH'

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: hey lexicon. this is one thing i was sent. The War of the Roses

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: it might have nothing to do with ur place but that is what i got

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: hehe kk will go check it out

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: ok looked at it ...hmm it says Eastonia...on the other side of ocean hehe still the kingdom of moonelves exist on Qor

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: *smiles* good then she has a place to go. *looks relived* no making a new one then ^-^

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: LOL its all good sweets ;)

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: ^-^ yes it is.

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: Now we wait til you are moved to the list and all then get your kingdom started in the works

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: sounds good. *looks up at her chara anticipation killing her*

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: *clears her throat* well one can be a shapeshifter but be born as another breed. my particular chara was BORN elven. she developed her abilites to shapeshift later in her teen (or what the elves call 'teen') years. it's not always something one does once they are out of their mom...

2004-01-10 [Leara]: never heard of it before.

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: go ahead and put that into the descript :)

2004-01-10 [Leara]: it doesn't make sense

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: mk lexi. well it's what i have heard of. it's really the more common of the types. (from what i have found)

2004-01-10 [Leara]: I've never heard of a shapeshifter being born from anything other than another shapeshifter

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: dont have to either for it to be acceptable, she was born of moonelven heritage and had the uncanny and natural ability to shape shift kinda like Lilly and her wyvern to night elf form.....

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: *nods* it happens its like emergance. her line had it in them but it was just not that strong for most generations but once in a while it comes up. she just happened to be the luck one with it.

2004-01-10 [Leara]: then THAT should be in the description in the history area, thats shes a descendent of a shapeshifter/shapeshifters, also check over spelling and grammer, there are parts I have no Idea what you have wrote

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: well i donno grammar they don't teach it anymore. not even in college. and as for spelling i am sry i tried. ^-^ i just suck at spelling

2004-01-10 [Leara]: can you try and fix it? For grammer....just like read it over and make sure everything makes sense and if not, re word it kinda thing...

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: alright just gimme alittle.

2004-01-10 [Cougar]: there i can't find anything else i need to fix.

2004-01-10 [Leara]: k

2004-01-11 [Hutch]: i'll just take out the irish bit :P

2004-01-11 [xido]: I was asked to resolve some issues with Cougar's character, but I find the idea just as confusing. If she's a moon elf, she's a moon elf; if she's a cat-human, same thing.....I'm not offeringany advice, because I don't have a very firm opinion on the subject.

2004-01-11 [Leara]: Well....the whole shapeshifter thing seems very off to me...

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: Not to worry have sent her a message xido she might apply with a dif character or soethn simular not sure

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: it be a bit odd allright. what I make of it, she's a moon elf, developed shapeshifting abilities at 'teen' years and decided to go to life as a cougar-hanyou thingy. Like Izual basicly. He's a lich but pretends himself to be a minotaur.

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: as in descript she is an moon elf with the hanyoutriat at the teen age years th eshapeshifting ability surfaced as it runs through her blood line dorment through most til her only few had the abilty but character doesnt know what ancestor who did

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: maybe you should consider using these things: . That makes it easier for other people to translute your comments. I needed 3 minutes before I understood what you wrote there

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: JAYZUS FLIPPIN CHRISTO!!! I go away for less than 24 hours and POOF you guys fill up TWO comment pages. For crying out loud. My suggestion for... erm.... cougar would be to create TWO characters. One is a shapeshifter, the other is a moonelf. The only kind of 'ShapeShifter' I have ever heard of that wasn't BORN COMPLETELY A SHAPESHIFTER, would be an illusionist or enchanter. And IN such case those abilities are a LOT more limited.

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: As to Leara sorry. I was feeling very daring yesterday :P I wont bother it again. Thanks for moving Bob up there though :)

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: Oh yeah and back to the moon elf thing. Would it really be that fun to play an adventuring character that was a queen??? I dunno maybe I am weird but an RP character generally doesn't have a whole lot of ties to such things. Thats what makes adventuring possible....

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: but the kingdoms in the WFR need kings and/or queens, else it wouldn't be kingdoms

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: In my personal experience kings and queens are best left to the GM as NPC's unless you are participating in an RP in which you are the ruler of a country against or with other rulers, in which case any old character can be MADE a ruler whereas its kinda hard to make the queen of the moon elves be the queen of Mt Vladblachichov or something like that.... Am I making sense?

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: a bit. And it's indeed hard or otherwise a bit boring to be king or queen, unless you think of a way that could make it fun. But it's hard to fight against other countries because you'd have to spread the news and changes through your entire kingdom. Which is practically impossible.

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: yup yup

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: WarLuft's very... uh... big description

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: lol "leave me alone" hehe It will get bigger, I was just checking on what orc descriptions were available... It looks as though I get to make my own.

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: finally you can show ur creativity *cough*

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: the lands of QOr are in war my kingdom of Vraisynn is moving armies now to eastonia and all over Qor quite simple to manage actually. But a queen is only boring when no imagination is around to be used. True the moon elf is a bit exoctic but it was I who had helped the character, so the blame falls on me on how it is worked out. on that note.

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: On that note there are many kingdoms on Qor that have Npc kings and queens, and a new race in the creation. An empire is geting built :) and eastonia will fall to me sorry Xido hehe on the moon elf shifter, no worries she and I are fixing that now her position as Queen is already approved her chracter is the only thing waiting

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: well maybe we can have an interwikial war all over the WFR. You never know. And [Lexicon]'s empire keeps expanding untill somebody assissinates him. Which I of course will gladly volunteer for. nothing personal. Assassinating some1 important just sounds fun to me ^_^

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: hehe well assassinating a demon is um extremly hard LOL well a tiefling possessed king hehe :) there are multiple kingdoms and such on Qor so it will be a fun war indeed and having Xido leading my armies to his own eastonia *evil laugh* it just seems soooooo right hehe <eg>

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: just a little bit ironic :)

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: I will just make a mass of characters (oh wait, havent I already done that?) and send them all on a little assasination run, Not only will I be GM but I will be controling them... Good thing I am schizo and have multiple personalities :)

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: hehe yeah but who better to know the lands? LOL plus with it mostly human and those who are humaniod fleeing for their lives hehe I figure its a good way to increase my armies <eg> now I will have to put my secondary character Rahm up above hehe an Orc warlord RIGHTON!

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: Whatcha think O' the description Raven. Is it lacking anything?? I am trying to make it huge, but dont tell Leara that *glances around speculatively*

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: just crash eachothers head at once, so I can take over without bothering to do something for it

2004-01-11 [Leara]: MathiasIV!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soon making a rule that YOU have to wait a week or two between new characters!

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: well at least he doesn't have 2 in line. that had to come with it... Maybe he should finally make a good char, or one he plays with in a wiki. but that'll take a while

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: Sorry Raven no fun in that LOL

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: I play with at least 2 at any given time and I think my characters are just fine..... ass..... Who said that??? *looks around*

2004-01-11 [Leara]: I'm not even reading yours for a few days....I swear theres contiuously one of yours up here at all times...

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: I do try :)

2004-01-11 [Leara]: *thwaps* Well stop trying!

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: there be some point in somebody's life where he can't be stopped anymore. And seeing the fact Mat is a char-generating addict, it won't help unless you log him of elftown

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: *blinks* well i know i missed some of the convo for last night but i am told that my character is still unsuitable for this wiki. if someone would pls msg me the things that are keeping her from being played i would much appreciate it.

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: basicly it's because it can't be all of those things you state it to be. It can't be a moon elf, shape-shifter and cougar-hanyou in 1. that's what I've been able to make of it

2004-01-11 [Leara]: The whole shapeshifter though somehow still a moon elf thing,

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: GOD DAMNIT...... I just put like 25 minutes of skills in there and its GONE!!! ARG WHY WHAT HAPPENED!!! Pout whine moan. I dont wanna type all that again! bah I guess I will just copy everything from a wordpad from now on.

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: No worries Cougar we can fix it up a bit,

2004-01-11 [Leara]: She Can fix it, no one else, everyone does their OWN characters.

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: Oh... WHEW. its in a previous version Lexicon and I must have tried to edit at the same time so when he clicked edit it didnt have the skills info there. ITs ok everone chrisis over... lol

2004-01-11 [Leara]: crisis....riiiiight...

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: yeah, Mathias' 10th personality almost died in shock

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: HERE *sighs* ....*sounds hugely patient(sp?)* she is a moon elf...*long pause* o.k. that is what she is. her line is moon elf. now it's going to get a tiny bit more comlicated....o.k.? she is a shapeshifter. you can be a shapeshifter and an elf. now the whole cougar hanyou thing is the form she prefers. it's not what she is she is a moon elf. some elves can shapeshift. it's just part of thier way. they call it magic, but it's just a way of consintration that allows them to take on another form. if that doesn't help. then pls inform me that it doesn't

2004-01-11 [Leara]: It doesn't make sense or sound reasonable.

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: hm.. druids can take the form of animals too at some point, so maybe? and in D&D you've also got spells which allow you to take on another form

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: and if I so choose to aid her with ideas and such I CAN do that which I have done many times with other players and their character and since Klin is a queen with in Qor I can help even more so :)

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: thank you blood. it's also a thing in african cultures that they belive. leara i am sorry but i cannot explain to someone who doesn't want to undersand

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: it's makes sense, but it's way too powerfull. I mean, it's an elf, with elven powers. Plus it's a shapeshifter who can take on any form. [Cougar] do you know how powerfull that is? You could change into a dragon, whipe out your enemies and transform into a mouse to sneak through the little gap in the treasure chamber, become a mage and send it through a portal which makes the gold land in your house. a job which would normaly require about 4 people, and you can do it on your own

2004-01-11 [Leara]: I'm trying to understand, but it really doesn't make sense, either she's a moon elf, a shapeshifter, or a shapshifter in the form of a moon elf, in which she wouldn't be able to be queen.  You can be aided with idea's, but I don't want to see anyone else adding them to the description.

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: the higher the druid is in level it allows more forms to be accessed heeh druid are cool :) but on a note elves and gragons are both created from magic niethe rhave souls only essence so since the magic of dragons allow them to shift orms with 0out chant it could be teh same with the more rare forms of elves with limited sized midifcations

2004-01-11 [Leara]: Thank you Blood Raven, that IS part of the problem, theres to much of a variety in what the character can do.

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: maybe it would help [Cougar], if you stated she can only shift between her moon elf form and her cougar-hanyou form. And if you want to be the cougar-hanyou you state she's a cougar-hanyou queen. And if you want to be both you create two characters

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: I am the only onewho can decide is she can be queen that is not the subject here

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: well the thing is blood she doesn't know the full extent of her abilities. and she has a limit to her strength when she does take any for such as a dragon. she can only take that form for 20 min. theses are things i figured i could work into the wiki. but i guess i just will have to put all her little secrets and weaknesses on there. *sighs* i am not going to ruin her like that.

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: 20 min. are enough to whipe out a fortress [Cougar]!

2004-01-11 [Leara]: And I'm the one thats incharge of accepting her. A strange shapeshifter creature would not make sense for role of a queen of another race. But thats not the subject here, I'm sorry, but I don't agree with the idea of a shapeshifting 'Elf'.

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: and I do not care if it's a queen or not, that's your part [Lexicon], I'm trying to help making a playable char here that everybody agrees with.

2004-01-11 [Leara]: Taking on the form of a dragon for ANY length of time is to god-like...."Opps, I sneezed and now the kingdom's on fire."

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: okay, before we have the largest fight ever here. What's your description of a shapeshifter [Leara]?

2004-01-11 [Leara]: it creates unnessecary problems.

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: yes it is. and things like this happen blood. it's a known fact that elves do cross breed. even the royalty. tho they like to frown on it publically

2004-01-11 [Leara]: Mine? Someone thats born as a shapeshifter, from a shapeshifter, not some supposed moon elf. Though thats not even the biggest problem here.

2004-01-11 [Leara]: Lets put it this way: shapeshifter/elf cross breed idea...isn't working.

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: I don't care if she's royal or not. for all i care she could be empress of the WFR kingdoms. I for the moment (let's leave flexibility here) only want we make this character playable in a way that suits your expectations of the char best. we're not here to try to convince eachother of eachothers right.

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: true you are the one who accepts characters but not the only who can, also shapeshfters when did we pay that much attention to what seems actual or factual considering this is a FANTASY rp area, a moon elf with shifters blood is POSSIBLE whether every one likes it or not, the character is not here to please every one just the player

2004-01-11 [Leara]: Me and Xidoraven accept, only us, he didn't seem the fondest of the idea either, so butt out before you make things worse. The character is to god-like as a shapeshifter/elf.

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: then xido will have to be reminded that he had approved such a character the same as Klin namely Lilly whiteleaf who has a wyvern form and is yet a nightelf, and remember shapeshifting is a limited abiltiy no matter magical or not cause nothing can fully mimick the scales of a dragon scales and such. I am here to support cougars view and will continue to do so

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: Take the shapeshifter part of her out and make her an elvin enchantress, not such an unusuall profesion for a queen AND that gives her the ability to transform into her... er whatever its called. This doesnt seem that hard to me folks. If the boss says one thing you change it or decide you dont want to be a part. There are so many ways to work around this and you guys just keep on battering away at the old ones. I think if Xido saw all this he would burst into tears !

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: or sparkly purple stuff...

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: LOL OOHHHH sparkles hehe

2004-01-11 [Leara]: I don't know, but I suggest Lex butt out, because he's making it worse for his little friend, because I'm in quite a foul mood now. Just change some things about the character and leave me alone, my feelings on the character at the moment aren't gonna just fanish because of everyones complaining, different character have different circumstances. So everyone can just shut up now.

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: yes mathias i am about to burst into tears my self. how long does it take someone to notice that the chara isn't even up for concideration anymore? *shrugs* its not worth fighting over. if ppl wish to continue to batter my chara then they will have to deal with out an example of her.

2004-01-11 [Leara]: No one said it wasn't up for consideration, just change a few things, even adding in strengths and weaknesses could help.

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: well if it did concern you about the character teh you would have noticed it was taken down and No leara I dont have to butt out this concerns me aswell as you. being mad at me and takin it out on those who know me and such isnt fair Leara. I tryed to be helpful but amnot the one who wanted to be stubborn on a little facto of no importance

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: LISTEN. i took her down. i will not butcher her. that is final. she is not up for concideration that is MY WORD. from this point on you are all waisting your breath. as for weaknesses and strenghs. that would have been shown once she was in play. she has weaknesses that make her seem hugely weak. she is not a god. and i am weary of this fight. it's for no good reason. just take a breath all of you and chill out.

2004-01-11 [Leara]: Nothing is a secret in character descriptions, so it would have been wise to add strengths and weaknesses, as for Lex, it doesn't concern you, its her character, and I haven't taken anything out on her, though your supposed 'helping' is annoying. I like to see people that can handle their own characters.

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: *sigh* well then, let this end. How could you expect her to check every time if that character is still there lex. You are both pissed off and understandably so but dont take it out on each other. Cougar, taking your character off the page is your perogative. Its unfortunate that it couldnt be agreed upon. God I sound like my fucking father. Hopefully Ya'all can get over this quibble and perhaps cougar would consider submitting another one of her characters some day rather than everybody getting chased the fuck off. Now, I am gonna go finish my orc because I am tired of being made a fucking mediator.

2004-01-11 [Leara]: I DID notice the character was gone, btw.

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: that is fine leara. there is not any reason to fight anymore. she is gone and that is all. i tend to add and subtrect things as a character evolves. i would have added her weaknesses but here was nothing that stated that every little detail should be put in. if that is what you wish then it should have been stated. i would give you her bra size if it had asked. but it no longer matters.

2004-01-11 [Blood Raven]: seems we have failed in our duty then...

2004-01-11 [Leara]: <.< it says multiple times up there, In Depth Descriptions. But I guess if your giving up then that doesn't matter.

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: *smiles and hugs Mathias* i am sorry you had to deal with this my humble apologies. (is being honist i know it's hard to tell when someone is sarcastic on here. i am not being so.)

2004-01-11 [Cougar]: its not a matter of giving up leara. lets not start another lengthy discssion. i took her off to end that.

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: And finished. If thats not the longest description I have ever made... I quit :P

2004-01-11 [Zalastra]: Matt...dont you have anything better to do than create characters? like finish your horde story?

2004-01-11 [MathiasIV]: Bah I just dont feel creative to write on my stories right now :( I dont know why... No new ideas have cropped up.

2004-01-11 [Leara]: Mathias....can you put your headings down to normal bold size instead of purposly taking up as much room on the page as possible? lol

2004-01-11 [xido]: Well, then. Let's begin. Do not interrupt me until I am DONE.

2004-01-11 [xido]: First and foremost, you will all learn to watch your mouths, and no, I don't care if it's a habit, 'normal' in your part of the world, etc. FUCK is a vulgar and rude word to post on a page that is not your own. No more vulgarities, and that is final. For that matter, so is DAMN, SHIT, ASS, etc. There is no need for such language, except to fire up others' tempers.

2004-01-11 [xido]: Secondly, the ONLY thing that is asked of any applicant is that they provide a detailed character description. NOTHING MORE. I do not exclude moon elves, shapeshifters, dwarven magic-users, royalty, rarities, or modern-age-player-renditions, for that matter. This is FANTASY, and as such, the chars you develop are to be so in their nature. If you play a char version of yourself, you come from an alternate reality. It's called creativity. Any good GM can handle it. There are NO restrictions on what chars can be applied with. I don't care what friends of mine make their opinions known about the chars is not important. Mathias and BloodRaven are both great players and

2004-01-11 [xido]: good friends of mine....however, you both need to shut your pieholes. It is not your job to accept characters, nor to tell them what needs to be changed. If your wiki-setting cannot allow for high-level chars, then it's your problem to solve. As for the person who DOES accept chars, it is not your job to understand, nor to enjoy the characters others post. Your job is to look them over for detail and fluidity, and to give them a wiki char page of their own.

2004-01-11 [xido]: To Cougar: if you would like to repost your character, I will look over it myself. The idea of two races was the ONLY thing that made me confused. I did not feel. however, that the character was over the top in any way. Strengths and weaknesses are indeed best suitably noted IN-GAME. Thank you for being patient, as well as just and rational. I'm sorry that my players couldn't hold their tongues long enough to let me comment. Please, either repost the former char, or apply with another, but do not leave. None of us would be bettered by such an action.

2004-01-11 [xido]: Blood Raven: maybe you should consider using these things: . That makes it easier for other people to translute your comments. I needed 3 minutes before I understood what you wrote there :::xido: don't be an ass. that's my job.

2004-01-11 [xido]: Blood Raven: but the kingdoms in the WFR need kings and/or queens, else it wouldn't be kingdoms. :::xido: agreed. There are no rules against becoming royalty....EXCEPT TO MESSAGE ME. Whether you are wanting to become a royal member of Eastonia, Vraisynn, or TearRem, it is necessary for you to contact ME, and I will inform the GMs of the appropriate land. I am the person that seems to get the vast majority of heads-ups, and that system works best.

2004-01-11 [xido]: To Mathias: please post your new chars on their own wiki page, and post the link in the place for secondary chars from now on. Please avoid using H1's, although it won't really matter much after it's on its own page.

2004-01-11 [xido]: I am glad that all of you feel strongly enough about the integrity of this guild to help make it better with your opinions. However, nothing was solved, and a fight that encompassed nearly FOUR PAGES worth of comments was the only outcome of such aggressions. You all need to breathe, find a fave wiki of yours, and post on it. don't waste our time with the's completely unnecessary. This site is for having fun, and if that's not happening, then you're not trying hard enough. If this kind of occurence happens again, you wil solve it by MESSAGING ME with your concerns.

2004-01-11 [xido]: To lex: I appreciate the fact that you have helped another player with their work. If the player gives permission to another to post something helpful, then that is fine, but I caution everyone to please leave what is not yours alone.

2004-01-11 [xido]: As for royalty/adventuring: there is no reason that a royal char would not have a good time RPing, but it is difficult, and not meant for beginners. There are no further rules for playing as royalty, except to inform someone who can help you...MYSELF in particular, but yes, a GM such as Lex is fine.

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